better social integration
Building a fairer, more inclusive society together
Social integration and the fight against inequality of opportunity are major challenges for French society. 1.5 million young people between the ages of 16 and 29 are ‘dropouts’, neither in employment, education or training. This alarming situation is often linked to problems of guidance by default, affecting six out of ten young people, and to an education system that loses between 80,000 and 100,000 young people every year without a diploma.
Inequalities begin in childhood, with 32% of early school leavers repeating a year at primary school and 35% at middle school, due to insufficient mastery of basic skills. Compulsory guidance at secondary school undermines school careers, forcing almost half of the young people concerned to drop out.
Young people from modest backgrounds are particularly vulnerable. They are half as likely as the average to find a job, and are gradually dropping out of the education system. This exclusion is compounded by difficult family circumstances and a lack of support, creating a sense of abandonment and pessimism among young people.
Guaranteeing fair, quality education for all, with a particular focus on vulnerable young people, reducing inequalities and promoting equal opportunities is one of the challenges facing our society. In fact, the United Nations has made these goals Sustainable Development Goals (4: Quality education and 10: Reduced inequalities).
It is against this backdrop that SOMFY Foundation has decided to expand its activities in 2021 and to include in its areas of action the desire to work towards better social integration. It is therefore listening to the needs of associations working in this field and supporting projects that combat inequality of opportunity in order to help build a fairer, more inclusive society together.
In 2023, a number of partnerships were set up in this area with associations such as Energie Jeunes, Ma Chance Moi Aussi, Tous Cap and Sport dans la Ville.